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We are delighted that you are considering getting married at St Paul’s and St John's. We want to help you plan for your big day in Church. We hope that you will find the following information helpful, but if you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact the Vicar who will be delighted to help. If you decide to get married at St Paul's and St John's, as many couples have done over the years, we will do all that we can to make your day special.

Can we get married at St Paul’s and St John's Church, Tottenham?

At the moment you can only have your wedding service at St John's Church which is the new Parish church, if any of the following "Qualifying Connections" apply:

  • One of you currently live in the parish.

  • One of you has lived in the parish, at any time, for at least 6 months.

  • One of you was baptised or confirmed in the parish.

  • One of you has, at any time, regularly attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months.

  • One of your parents has lived in the parish for 6 months or more in your lifetime.

  • One of your parents has regularly attended public worship in the parish for 6 months or more in your lifetime.

  • The parents or grandparents of one of you were married in the parish.

I am not baptised/do not go to church/am a Roman Catholic, etc, can I still be married at your Church?

As long as one of you fulfil at least one of the "Qualifying Connections", you have the right to be married at St Paul's and St John's. This applies to those who have not been baptised as well as to those who are not regular churchgoers. People of all denominations have a right to be married in their parish church. So, it doesn't matter from the Church of England's perspective. We welcome all such enquiries.

Of course, we would be delighted to see you in church. Please attend one of our regular Sunday morning services and if you come along you will be very welcome.

I’m divorced, can I still get married in Church?

The Church of England believes that marriage is for life. However, it recognises that sadly, some marriages do fail. At St Paul's and St John's, we are willing to consider remarriage. You will need to make an appointment to see the Vicar. the Vicar will want to talk to you frankly about your past and your hopes for the future.

Do I need a licence?

In the Church of England, the normal preliminary to getting married is by calling banns of marriage in the place of worship. Your banns will be called at the Sunday morning service for 3 Sundays, before your wedding. If either or both of you live in another parish, you will need to arrange for your banns to be called there as well. Under certain circumstances, a licence may be required from a Registrar, but we will discuss that with you when you contact us, if your circumstances make that appropriate.

The legal age for getting married in the UK is now 18 years old.

How much will it cost?

Th parish priest will discuss fees with you when you meet.

When can we be married?

Weddings usually take place on a Saturday at 12 noon, 1.30pm or 3pm. However, a weekday may be possible. You should speak to the Vicar if you are considering this. Because of the administration involved, it is not usually possible to book a wedding with less than 2 months’ notice.

How do we book a wedding at St Paul's and St John's?

Please contact us by emailing or ringing the Vicar with contact information on our Contact us page . Or simply come to one of our Sunday services and speak to the Vicar afterwards.

The Vicar will make an appointment to meet with you. These meetings usually take place in the evenings to accommodate the couple, but if available, a meeting can also be arrange for during the day. We will be able to tell you if the time and date that you want are possible in the church diary and to answer any other queries that you might have. Both of you will need to bring proof of address, passports and, if neither of you currently lives in the parish, you should bring proof of your "qualifying connection" (see first question).

You will be asked also to pay the booking deposit of £100. If either of you is a non-EEA national, different arrangements will apply."

We have booked our wedding, what happens next?

You will be invited to meet with the Vicar on several occasions for preparation and for the Vicar to get to know you a little better. Meeting dates will be dependent on when you are getting married. We will guide you through the service and suggest hymns and Bible readings that you might like to consider. You may find this website useful as you plan your special day - Your Church Wedding

A rehearsal will be held during the week before your wedding. All those directly involved on the day are welcome to attend.

One of our guests has special needs. Will they be catered for?

The church is wheelchair accessible and there are accessible toilets within the Church.

We're getting married abroad but we would like a church blessing. Is that possible?

Yes. We are happy to do this. Please contact the Vicar to discuss it further.

We were married at St Paul's / St John's 20 years ago. Can we have a service to renew our vows?

Yes, we are very happy to do this. Please speak to the Vicar about a service of thanksgiving. Contact us.

We are getting married in another church. How do we arrange for our banns to be called at St Paul's/St John's?

Please contact our Parish Office by email or telephone 07481 861817 or 0203 935 9608 and we will make an appointment to meet with you to complete the necessary. There is generally a small fee for calling bands which will be discussed with you when we make the appointment. The Vicar will tell you when your banns will be read at St Paul's / St John's. It helps if you can be in touch with us at least 5 months before your wedding.