Image of donations dropped into offertory box

Giving to support the work, ministry, and mission of St Pauls’s has never been more important. In these difficult and uncertain times, we aim to make Christ known in our world and we aim to consistently bring the message of God’s love. We serve our parish/area and those with whom we come in contact, some of whom are not often Church goers, through practical and pastoral help and prayerful support.


We encourage stewardship at St Paul’s Church. But what is stewardship?
Stewardship is based on the idea that we should take good care of what has been given to us. This can be our money, time, talent and possessions. All of these are shared in a way that enable each and every human being to thrive/flourish as God intended. We believe that when we use what has been given to us to bless others, we too will flourish.

Different Ways to Give:

One-off or regular giving through our Give A Little Account:

Click here to give a one-off donation using your debit or credit card.

Give through your bank:

Whether you’d like to give a one-off amount, or start a regular standing order, use these details:

Bank account: St. Paul’s & St. John’s Tottenham PCC
Bank: CAF Bank Limited
Account Number: 00035681
Sort-code: 40-52-40

Regular Giving:

St Paul’s Church would not be here in this community without the faithfulness of regular givers. We rely on the freewill giving of our parishioners to help keep our ministries running effectively, compassionately, and safely. Every penny is used carefully in God’s work. You can donate to St Paul’s through monthly giving here.

If you prefer, you could also send us a cheque payable to St. Paul’s & St. John’s Tottenham PCC, and post to our address at:

St Paul’s Church, 60 Park Lane, London, N17 0JR

Please let us know if we may claim Gift Aid against your donation, by emailing our gift aid officer Kathleen Brown ( with your address.

Fundraising (What are you passionate about):
Would you like to be part of our fundraising efforts? You could fundraise for us, through our fundraising page which will allow gift aid to be collected.

You could run a marathon, or do a walkathon, a London river walk, arrange a sleep-out under the skies of London or do a bake-sale for St Paul’s? Perhaps you have even more creative ideas too. We would love to help and support you, to promote your efforts and celebrate your successes. Whatever you decide to do please contact us on


You can include St Paul’s within your will by the addition of a straightforward clause. Gifts from legacies can make an enormous difference to the life of the church and the impact on our local community. Even a small percentage of the residuary estate can contribute significantly to the work and future of our church. We have so many plans we would like to implement for our Church, our community and our Youths, but do not have the resources to make this a reality. To help you consider what you possess and who you would like to give it to, see this template. .

There are a number of schemes for free will writing, and low-cost will writing. Have a look at this summary:

Free will-writing.

To give a share of your estate to St Paul’s, Tottenham: “I give __ % of my residuary estate free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the parish of St Paul the Apostle, Tottenham (registered charity number XXXXXXXX) in the Diocese of London for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.”

Members of our congregation are often encouraged to be generous to the church financially, according to their means, encouraging sacrificial giving.

It costs us almost £6,000 a month to run the parish, support pastoral ministry, outreach, and look after our buildings. If you would like to know more about our finances, please be in touch with our Treasurer, Monty Waldron (

Many thanks to all who support us.